
The HySA Infrastructure forms a Centre of Competence together with the NWU and CSIR. It is the intention of HySA Infrastructure CoC to be a world leader and commercial relevant entity in the area of hydrogen production (electrolytic hydrogen linked to solar recourses), in the area of hydrogen compression, storage and delivery. This will be achieved through partnership with world leading OEMs, investors and research institutions. Over and above, our goal is to provide solid science case and business case throughout research, development and demonstration activities: Knowledge creation, Technology demonstration, Partnership with stake-holders as well as to promote beneficiation of Platinum Group Metals (PGM). It is our vision that clean mining technology will be replacing diesel-based mining and we are preparing mining sector to adopt hydrogen-based power- trains to decarbonise its operations.


The mission of the HySA Infrastructure is to capitalise on abundant renewable resources in South Africa and to deliver technologies for hydrogen production (linked to renewable energy), storage and distribution. Commercialisation successes will be achieved through IP rights secured and also freedom to operate concept. Supply chain will be further developed. Our key technology deliverables in broader terms include energy carrier, system integration, and infrastructure (such as electrochemical hydrogen compression, electrolysers, LOHC technology, refuelling stations, etc.). Our research is solely driven by product needs (market pull) through technology development and demonstration (TD&D). Our scope of expertise makes provision for both energy services and access to the energy. We also have capabilities to develop and manufacture components, such as CCMs for various hydrogen-related processes, catalyst for LOHC.