Dr Alina Kozhukhova
Alina was born in Russia. She completed her BSc (2015) and MSc (2017) in chemistry in Moscow, Russia. She was then enrolled at North-West University (Potchefstroom campus) where she completed her PhD in Chemical Engineering degree. Her PhD project focused on the development of nanostructured catalyst support structures for hydrogen-related applications, specifically for safety (passive autocatalytic recombination) and domestic (cooking and heating) applications.
Project description:
PhD in Chemical Engineering, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa, 2022.
MSc in Chemistry (cum laude), Lomonosov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technologies, Moscow, Russia, 2017.
BSc in Chemistry (cum laude), National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Obninsk, Russia, 2015.
Recent Publications
• Kozhukhova, A.E., du Preez, S.P., Bessarabov, D.G. Preparation of Pt/Ce, Zr, Y-mixed oxide/anodized aluminium oxide catalysts for passive autocatalytic recombination. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022.
• Kozhukhova, A.E., du Preez, S.P., Bessarabov, D.G. Catalytic hydrogen combustion for domestic and safety applications: A critical review of catalyst materials and technologies. Energies, 2021. 14(16), 4897.
• Kozhukhova, A.E., du Preez, S.P., Bessarabov, D.G. Pt/AAO catalyst for hydrogen passive autocatalytic recombination safety applications. E-Book of abstracts: Twelfth International Conference on Hydrogen Production (ICH2P-2021), On-line conference, September 19–23, 2021. ISBN 978-88-942723-3-8.
• Kozhukhova, A.E., du Preez, S.P., Malakhov, A.A., Bessarabov, D.G. A thermally conductive Pt/AAO catalyst for hydrogen passive autocatalytic recombination. Catalysts, 2021. 11(4), 491.
• Kozhukhova, A.E., du Preez, S.P., Bessarabov, D.G. Development of nanostructured Pt-based catalyst for hydrogen safety applications. E-Book of abstracts: HYPOTHESIS XV, June 3–5, 2020, Cape Town, South Africa. pp. 105–106.
• Kozhukhova, A.E., du Preez, S.P., Shuro, I., Bessarabov, D.G. Development of a low purity aluminium alloy (Al6082) anodization process and its application as a platinum-based catalyst in catalytic hydrogen combustion. Surface and Coating Technology, 2020. 404, 126483.
• Kozhukhova, A.E., du Preez, S.P., Bessarabov, D.G. The effects of pore widening and calcination on anodized aluminium oxide prepared from Al6082. Surface and Coating Technology, 2020. 383, 125234.
• Melnikov, P.V., Kozhukhova, A.E., Naumova, A.E., Yashtulov A.O., Zaitsev, N.K. Optical analyzer for continuous monitoring of dissolved oxygen in aviation fuel and other non-aqueous media, International Journal of Engineering Transaction B: Applications, 2019. 32: pp. 646-651.
• Kozhukhova, A.E., du Preez, S.P., Bessarabov, D.G. Preparation of anodized aluminium oxide at high temperatures using low purity aluminium (Al6082). Surface and Coating Technology, 2019. 378, 124970.
• Zaitsev, N.K., Dvorkin, V. I., Melnikov, P.V., Kozhukhova, A.E. A Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer with an Optical Sensor. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2018. 73(1). pp. 102–108.
• Zaitsev, N.K., Zharov, A.A., Melnikov, P.V., Kozhukhova, A.E. Rapid Procedure for Measuring Oxygen Concentration in Aqueous, Non-Aqueous and Gaseous Media. Industrial laboratory. Diagnostics of materials, 2017. 83(9). pp. 9–14. (In Russ.)
• Zaitsev, N.K., Melnikov, P.V., Kozhukhova, A.E. Method GSSSD ME 246-2016. Method of experimental determination of the molecular oxygen in the gas and liquid environments using an optical method. Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service. Moscow, 2016.
• Kozhukhova, A.E., Melnikov, P.V., Zaytsev, N.K. Oxygen analyzer with the optical cell for the study of respiration processes and substrate specificity in microbiological systems. Book of abstracts: ΧΧΧӀV Russian Symposium of young scientists on chemical kinetics, Moscow, 2016. p.28.
• Kozhukhova, A.E., Nizovtsev, A.A., Krasikova,E.A., Ilyicheva, N.S.. Determination of carbon in reactor-grade metallic sodium. Book of abstracts: ӀΧ International conference of young scientists on chemistry Mendeleev–2015», Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2015. p. 393.
• Kozhukhova, A.E., Nizovtsev, A.A., Krasikova, E.A., Ilyicheva, N.S. Upgrade method for determination of carbon in metallic sodium. Book of abstracts: 53rd International Scientific Student Conference MNSK 2015, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, 2015. p. 174.